The IMETE programme takes two years to complete and starts yearly in September at UCT in Prague. In February of the next year students move to Delft, the Netherlands, where they can choose between two tracks, "Ecotechnologies and Resource Recovery" and " Desalination and Water Reuse". An optional company-internship can be completed in Summer. In September students move to Gent, Belgium to choose between " Environmental Engineering" and "Resource Recovery Engineering" tracks in the 3rd semester. Finally, in February of the 3rd year, students start their thesis research at one of the three academic institutions or at an associated partner.
Semester 1 University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
September - January
Environmental Microbiology
Environmental Engineering - Laboratories
Wastewater Treatment
Waste management and treatment
Sludge management basics
Interdisciplinary project I /Communication and writing skills for engineers I
Intro Surface and groundwater water treatment (offered online by IHE Delft)
Basics of Process Engineering (offered online by University Ghent)
Semester 2 IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands
February - June
Track "Ecotechnologies and Resource Recovery"
Sludge Treatment and Resource Recovery
Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
Environmental impact assessment
Industrial Water & Resource Management
Fieldwork and interdisciplinary project
Capita selecta Water Reuse
Track "Desalination and Water Reuse"
Surface and groundwater treatment Laboratories
Drinking Water Treatment Plant Design
Environmental impact assessment
Desalination and water reuse: engineering and the environment
Fieldwork and interdisciplinary project
Capita selecta Water Reuse (Agriculture, Industry)
Atmospheric pollution control (offered by UCT)
Basics of Control Engineering (offerend by Ghent University)
ELECTIVE Internship (6 weeks optional)
July Year 2 - August Year 2
Internship work is an optional part of the IMETE Master Programme. The aim of an internship is to obtain professional experience. The placement should therefore be in a professional, not in an academic, working environment. Valid placements would be in companies, and governments. Research institutes may be acceptable, but academic institutes and universities not. Internships/placements should take place within the Consortium of Associate partners. A mobility outside of the Consortium should be regarded as an exception to the rule
Semester 3 Ghent University, Gent, Belgium
September - January
Track "Environmental Engineering"
Summer School: Research-2-Business
Sustainability and Environmental Economics
Urban and Indoor Air Quality
Environmental Technology: Soil and Sediment
Clean Technology: Assessment Methods
Elective module(s) chosen from UGENT offering
Track: “Resource Recovery Engineering”
Summer School: Research-2-Business
Sustainability and Environmental Economics
Bioresource Recovery Engineering : case studies & company visits
Physic-Chemic resource recovery from wastewater
Digitalisation of resource recovery
Green Chemistry (online offered by UCT)
Elective module(s) chosen from UGENT offering
Semester 4 Main partner or one associated partner
February - August
Master dissertation
The Master Dissertation is an integrated part of the IMETE Master Programme and is credited at 30 ECTS. All students are doing thesis work during their last semester in one of the 3 IMETE Consortium partners or at an IMETE associated partner.
Examples of Master Dissertation topics researched in 2021, are:
Bioconversion of biogas into PHAs
Multifunctional nanocomposites for environmental applications
Quantifying nanoplastics in environmental samples using gold-gelatine nanoparticles in combination with Single Particle ICP-MS
Enhancing the rate of anaerobic digestion of micro-algae grown on wastewater: effect of in-situ generated natural enzymes
Algal-bacterial bioreactors for gas treatment
For the full list click here